Jainism Sutra II-SÛTRAKRITÂ?GA-Second Book -Lectures


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Jainism Sutra II-SÛTRAKRITÂ?GA-Second Book -Lectures
Lecture 1. The Lotus. (The parable of the Lotus. The Materialists, § 14 ff. Another school of Materialists and the forerunners of the Vaisêshikas, § 20 ff. The Vêdântins, § 25 ff. The fatalists, § 30 ff. Exhortation to follow the true Law, § 35 ff.)
Lecture 2. On activity. (The twelve kinds of committing sin, and sinless actions.
Lecture 3. Knowledge of food. (On the generation of living beings)
Lecture 4. Renunciation of activity. (An action is sinful though it be done unconsciously)
Lecture 5. Freedom from error; (what should be maintained and what not)
Lecture 6. Ârdraka; (his dispute with Gôsâla, a Buddhist, a Vêdic priest, a Vêdântin, and a Hastitâpasa)
Lecture 7. Nâlandâ. (Udaka, a follower of Pârsva, is converted by Gautama)
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